Informational Parent Page

Birthdays:  We will celebrate each child’s birthday as close to the actual date as possible. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on the half birthday.  To promote a healthy lifestyle, students can choose an extra class recess instead of a store bought treat.

Star of the Week: Each child will have a week to be the star of the week.  I will send home an information sheet to be filled out the week prior.

Passport:  This communication notebook will be sent home daily with a message.  Parents should sign and return it to school each day.  This is a great tool to relay messages about pick-ups, appointments, questions or concerns.

Room Temperature:

UNPREDICTABLE!  Keeping a sweatshirt at school might be a good idea- even when the air conditioner is on.

Snack/Water Bottles:  Snack cart is available through food services.  If you are sending a snack from home; please choose something healthy!  I encourage students to bring water bottles.

Show and Tell:  Each child will be assigned a day of the week to bring sharing.  We will begin show and tell in October.  Watch for more info!

Classroom Parties and Field Trips:  I will send out notices as these dates approach.

Gym/Playground Shoes:  All children need tennis shoes to wear to phy. ed. They do not need to stay at school.  Note: Flip flops are not allowed on the playground equipment, be sure to send shoes for recess!

Homework:  To reinforce learning done in school, we ask that all children read each night. Wednesday will be math homework night; but that work is not due until the following Wednesday.

Communication:  When in doubt, contact me!  Let’s take care of questions or concerns immediately.


