Classroom at a Glance

Mrs. Fadden’s Classroom at a Glance

Birthdays:  We will celebrate each child’s birthday as close to the actual date as possible. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on the half birthday.  To promote a healthy lifestyle, students can choose an extra class recess or an extra free choice in the classroom instead of a store bought treat.

Star of the Week: Each child will have a week to be the star.  I will send home an information sheet to be filled out the week prior.

Passport:  This communication notebook will be sent home daily with a message.  Parents should sign and return it to school each day.  This is a great tool to relay messages about pick-ups, appointments, questions or concerns.

Room Temperature:

UNPREDICTABLE!  Keeping a sweatshirt at school might be a good idea- even when the air conditioner is on.

Snack/Water Bottles:  Snack cart is available through food services.  If you are sending a snack from home; please choose something healthy!  I encourage students to bring water bottles.

Show and Tell: Each child will be assigned a day of the week to bring sharing. We will begin show and tell in October. Watch for more info!

Classroom Parties and Field Trips:  I will send out notices as these dates approach.

Gym/Playground Shoes:  All children need tennis shoes to wear to phy. ed. They do not need to stay at school.  Note: Flip flops are not allowed on the playground equipment, be sure to send shoes for recess!

Homework:  To reinforce learning done in school, we ask that all children read each night. Wednesday will be math homework night; but that work is not due until the following Wednesday. Math homework can be completed with a parent if necessary.

Communication: When in doubt, contact me!  Let’s take care of questions or concerns as soon as possible.




New this year…

Four Day Specialist Schedule: Our specialist cycle will be a 4 day cycle. This means every week will be different from the week before. Watch the calendar closely. One PE day every 5 days was eliminated due to budget cuts.

Additional Professional Development Days: Roughly once a month teachers will be meeting for training mandated by the MN legislature on teaching reading. These days are referenced as PD days on the calendar. Students will have no school on these days.

Conference Dates: Fall parent teacher conferences will be held in October instead of  November.  March conferences will be held in February this year.