
Reading Practice: Every Mon, Tues, Thur. and Friday your child will be bringing home a reading folder with a book(s) or list of words to read aloud to someone. There is a reading log in the folder to write in the title and to sign. Please do not fill more than two lines...although your child can certainly read as much they want. : ) 

The Reading Folder should be returned each day.

  • Please remember this is an opportunity for you to listen to your child read. First graders' reading skills grow so much and they are proud to share their improvement with you. : ) Reading practice shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes of your time. 

Math/Social Skills Practice: Each Wednesday your child will bring a Math Folder home with some review practice papers to complete. Your child will have a whole week to complete everything in the folder.  Some weeks your child will have a social skills activity to do at home and to get signed. Again, your child has a week to complete this as well.


  • Monday - Reading Folder - Sign and return the next day.
  • Tuesday - Reading Folder - Sign and return the next day.
  • Wednesday - Math/Soc. Skills - Sign and return by the next Wednesday, but can be returned earlier if completed. 
  • Thursday - Reading Folder - Sign and return the next day.
  • Friday (Read to Me) - Reading Folder - Your child will choose a book from our classroom library for a parent/guardian to read to the student. Please sign and return.