Welcome to RSES

Raven Stream Vision:  

At Raven Stream, we empower students to own their learning, academically, socially and emotionally leading to impactful lifelong growth. Together, we create a safe and welcoming environment for all.

Our school community strives to achieve the following principles:

  • To create a safe and friendly environment where each individual student’s academic and social emotional needs can be met
  • To strengthen the child’s development in attitude, behavior, and responsibility through the use of positive modeling and high expectations
  • To emphasize hands on learning
  • To utilize collaborative group activities for learning and social and emotional development
  • To promote reading, writing, communication, problem-solving, and mathematics which are essential for success in our changing society
  • To assist children as they continue to develop self-control and a sense of responsibility for their actions
  • To nurture all aspects of a child’s physical, emotional, and social development