Monthly Newsletter

Important Dates:
  • Wednesday, August 28- First day of school
  • Monday, September 2- Labor Day (no school)
  • Thursday, September 12- Raven Stream Family Picnic, 4:30 - 6:30
  • Monday, September 30 - Professional Development Day (PD)- no school 
Important Announcements:
  • If you have not read the classroom at a glance page, please do so. That page covers important beginning of the year announcements. 
What we are working on:
  • Second Step (Social Emotional Learning):  Skill for learning: 1. eyes watching 2. body quiet 3. ears listening 4. mouth quiet
  • Phonics (sounds that letters make): Review of all consonant sounds and short vowel sounds (kindergarten skills)
  • Reading Comprehension(understanding what we read or what is read to us): Characters and setting (time and place the story takes place) of a story
  • Sight Words for this Month: Review of kindergarten words
  • Writing: What makes a sentence. Beginning of narrative writing
  • Math: Learning math routines, investigating the number line, 1 more, 1 less,  tally marks, number stories.
  • Science/Social/Health: classroom routines; bus, bike, pedestrian safety; classroom/school rules; constitution day
Wishlist Items:
  • Cash donation for kolacky making supplies (total cost $20.00- give what like)
  • Gallon zip-lock bags
Homework (in addition to what is listed below your child is expected to get their passport (notebook) signed each night):
  • Monday- reading folder with something for child to read/practice
  • Tuesday- reading folder with something for child to read/practice
  • Wednesday- math folder (will also include a Second Step worksheet most weeks) all these worksheets will be due the following Wednesday, but you can return the folder with the completed worksheets inside whenever they are all completed.
  • Thursday-reading folder with something for child to read/practice
  • Friday- reading folder with a book for a parent/adult to read to child