Weekly Update

We've had a busy last week of school!  We had the egg drop on Tuesday.  This was a lot of fun!  We had two students build contraptions that kept their eggs safe when they were dropped from the roof of the school.  We finished building our bridges on Tuesday, too.  On Wednesday the students walked into the classroom to find a beanie animal on their desk.  The students wrote stories and drew pictures with their animal before sharing them. The kids had fun playing with and carrying their animals around all day.  We also tested the strength of each bridge by using books.  The strongest bridge held 17 books!    Finally,  on Wednesday afternoon we handed out our awards.  All of the awards were based on a math concept.  The class enjoyed guessing the recipient of each award before I announced it.   We did out big clean up of the room throughout the day.  Please check out the Picture Album for lots of fun pictures.


Please remembers all students needs snacks and beverages for our picnic on Thursday.  If your child did not sign up for a school bag lunch, please send a lunch, too.  Students should wear tennis shoes, bring sunscreen, and dress for the weather.  We are all looking forward to a sunny, warm day in the park!


Wow!  It's hard to believe our school year is coming to an end! As the school year comes to a close, I would like to thank you for your support this year. It has been a year filled with many surprises as we worked our way through fourth grade.  Thank you for all you have done to make our year so fulfilling and memorable!  It has been my pleasure and privilege to watch the students' personalities unfold day to day and to help them learn and grow.  I see confident, independent kids leaving my classroom ready for the adventure of fifth grade!


Please take advantage of the Scott County LIbrary summer reading program.  They have some great activities and incentives to keep the kids reading over the summer.  There is also Story Time at Raven Stream. 


Summer Story Time 2024 (1).jpg





Weekly Accomplishments:

Math: We completed our State Park Project by figuring out the cost of gas, food, and lodging.


Reading:  We spent time enjoying our independent reading books.


Science / Social Studies:  We completed the Egg Drop and the Bridge Project.


Daily Schedule 


Important Dates:

May 23 - Class Picnic and Last Day of School