Weekly Announcements

Happy Friday!!
Please read below for information about math, social studies, and other important news and information. Be sure to click the link for information about volunteering to help with our Biztown Field Trip.
Math:    This week we continued working with fractions, specifically we worked on putting them in order on a numberline. We took this assessment today and it was a tricky one! Several students will receive some more instruction and get another chance at it next week. Next week we will will also focus some more on long division, which we have been working on all month. We will do a lot division practice next week and will be assessing that skill on Thursday, with a chance for test corrections on Friday. Students who do not know their basic division are obviously struggling with this, so any additional practice on those facts at home will help!
 There are many students who need more practice on the basic facts, especially for multiplication and division.  Those graded tests were sent home last week. The expectation is for them to get 75 facts correct in 5 minutes with only one or two errors. Please check out how your child did on these as it will be important to know basic math facts for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing since we use them in all aspects of 5th grade math.  5-10 minutes of practice each night would really help. Even just quizzing your child in the car on a ride to school or the store is a simple way to get that practice in. Thanks in advance for your support in this area. Some other good ways to practice these skills include: flash cards, play Yahtzee together, or login to the "XtraMath" website and practice on the computer. Your child will have that login information (as well as IXL) taped to the inside cover of their planner.
Social Studies:
This week we continued our Biztown unit.
Our lessons this week focused on Community and Economy, including citizenship, free enterprise and what it means to be an entrepreneur, public goods and services and how they are paid for through taxes, gross pay and net pay, and philanthropy. Today we got to explore our job opportunities at Biztown and chose 3 positions that we will apply for on Monday. On Tuesday we will be hired for our jobs and start working with our business teams!
Holiday Sharing: information is coming home on a green sheet this week. We appreciate your thoughtful donation to this worthy cause. Our class will be shopping for a 3 year old girl and hope to make her holiday a little brighter!
Biztown Trip:  We are still looking for volunteers for our Biztown Experience. Please click this link for more details and if you are able to come with us, please complete the online registration within that information.
Blended Learning: On Oct. 31, your child brought home a ziploc bag with instructions and activities for the first 3 Blended Learning days (if needed). Please keep this packet in a safe place (maybe on top of the fridge?) so you will know where it is in case school is canceled for inclement weather. You can also use the link to the left to access this information online.
Band/Choir:  The next day 2 is Wednesday, Nov. 20, so all band kids need their instruments that day. DAY 4 will be on Monday, Nov. 18 and Friday, Nov. 22 so Day 4 lesson kids need their instruments then as well.  Lesson times were taped to the inside of their planners. Remember: DAY 2 will be a different day of the week each week since we are now on a 4 day rotation. I will keep this section updated with the correct days.
Parent/teacher communication: I am a firm believer that we all need to work together to help your child succeed, and an important part of that is communication! Your child will write in their planner every day and the expectation is that they will bring it to you with a pen for you to read and sign each day. When they bring the planner back to school each day with a signature, they will receive a "CSI slip" which they can use for our weekly drawing or save for the end of the year auction. In addition, every Friday, students will bring home their CSI ("Communicating Student Information) folder which will be filled with completed assignments to share, graded work, notes and forms from the office, etc. Again, the expectation here is for your child to bring that folder to you so you can go over those papers together, and then you can sign and date yellow sheet stapled inside. When they return the signed folder the following week, they will earn another CSI slip. Look for that folder every Friday or the last day of school for the week. Finally, I will be sending you an email each week with a link to this page once I have updated it with all important news and announcements. Hopefully all of these things will help us to stay "on the same page", but if you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me or give me call!
Do Life Big:
Congratulations to our October Do Life Big Award winners Keokii L. and Harper L! Way to go and keep doing life big!
In 5th grade we take our job as leaders of Raven Stream very seriously! We want to be role models for the younger kids in the building, and we do that by having integrity  and trying to do life big everyday! Each month Mr. Drazan and I will recognize one student from each class who excels in this area. Today we had our kick off for this project (see presentation that was shared on the link below). Students will make posters to bring home because we want them to Do Life Big at home and in the community as well! We would love to receive photos of your child making a positive difference at home or in the community so have them pose with their poster and email them to Mr. Drazan or I so I can share them with the students and add them to our slide for the end of the year.