Weekly Announcements

Happy Friday!!
It was another busy week in 5th grade. Please read below for information about math, social studies, and other important news and information.
This week we got into our "normal" routine for math. We began our first unit in math which deals with whole number place value, multi-digit multiplication and an introduction to long division. Most days students will be responsible for finishing one or two workbook pages independently depending on the lesson, but they will usually have adequate time in class to complete these. On occasion, some may need to bring these pages home to complete, and the page numbers will always be written in their planners.
We also took our timed multiplication and division tests to see how familiar students are with basic math facts. There are many students who need more practice on these. Those graded tests will be coming home today. The expectation is for them to get 75 facts correct in 5 minutes with only one or two errors. Please check out how your child did on these as it will be important to know basic math facts for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing since we use them in all aspects of 5th grade math.  5-10 minutes of practice each night would really help. Even just quizzing your child in the car on a ride to school or the store is a simple way to get that practice in. Thanks in advance for your support in this area. Some other good ways to practice these skills include: flash cards, play Yahtzee together, or login to the "XtraMath" website and practice on the computer. Your child will have that login information (as well as IXL) taped to the inside cover of their planner.
Social Studies:
This week in social studies we started our map skills unit. We will reviewed a map of the US, looked at a world map and learned/reviewed the oceans, continents, great lakes, and major rivers in the US. Students received a yellow study guide which we will complete together in class, filling in a little bit each day. There will be a test at the end of each unit and students will receive a traditional letter grade for these to give them a feel for what that will be like in Middle School. If your student knows all of the information on the study guide, they will have no problem on the test because if it isn't on the study guide, it won't be on the test. I will always let you know when the tests are scheduled ahead of time on this page so students can study at home.
Next week we will learn the parts of a map, practice using map tools such as the scale and key, learn the difference between political, physical, and thematic maps, and discuss the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Field Trip to Cedar Lake Farm: will be on Monday, Sept. 23. This is an annual 5th grade trip that gives your child a chance to learn about nature through multiple stations put on by the Three Rivers Park group. They should dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. If your child would like a sack lunch provided by the school on that day, they need to fill out the form and return it by Tuesday, Sept. 10. Otherwise, they will need to bring a lunch from home.
Parent/teacher communication: I am a firm believer that we all need to work together to help your child succeed, and an important part of that is communication! Your child will write in their planner every day and the expectation is that they will bring it to you with a pen for you to read and sign each day. When they bring the planner back to school each day with a signature, they will receive a "CSI slip" which they can use for our weekly drawing or save for the end of the year auction. In addition, every Friday, students will bring home their CSI ("Communicating Student Information) folder which will be filled with completed assignments to share, graded work, notes and forms from the office, etc. Again, the expectation here is for your child to bring that folder to you so you can go over those papers together, and then you can sign and date yellow sheet stapled inside. When they return the signed the following week, they will earn another CSI slip. Look for that folder TODAY. Finally, I will be sending you an email each week with a link to this page once I have updated it with all important news and announcements. Hopefully all of these things will help us to stay "on the same page", but if you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me or give me call!
Band/Choir: won't be starting until mid September. I will keep you posted!
Do Life Big:
In 5th grade we take our job as leaders of Raven Stream very seriously! We want to be role models for the younger kids in the building, and we do that by having integrity  and trying to do life big everyday! Each month Mr. Drazan and I will recognize one student from each class who excels in this area. Today we had our kick off for this project (see presentation that was shared on the link below). Students will make posters to bring home because we want them to Do Life Big at home and in the community as well! We would love to receive photos of your child making a positive difference at home or in the community so have them pose with their poster and email them to Mr. Drazan or I so I can share them with the students and add them to our slide for the end of the year.