Peek at Our Week





Holiday Sharing - Each year Raven Stream collects money for local children in need. Our class is collecting money to help purchase clothing items for a 5 year old girl. If you feel like you can help out, please send money to school with your child. We will be learning how the gift of giving to others can make our hearts feel bigger. Today we discussed how we can possibly earn money at home by doing chores and then donate that money. 


Also, is there anyone who would like to do the shopping? Maybe a Black Friday Shopper? Let me know if you're interested. I have a list of items the little girl needs. Send me an email if you'd like to help. Thanks.


IXL - Today your child will be bringing home information about IXL. This is a wonderful way to practice various math skills. Your child's username and password are on the yellow informational sheet, as well as stapled into your child's Take Home Folder and Math Homework Folder. Feel free to have your child practice any math skills. I will periodically assign a section for math homework. If we have a snow day/blended learning day, there may also be assignments to do.

*Your child is used to logging into IXL through the Clever App we use at school, so it may look a little different for your child. Please help them log on.


Skip counting by 5's - Can your child skip count by 5's to 120 or more? Please have your child practice at home. This skill will be assessed at the end of the semester.


Counting nickels and pennies - We have been practicing counting groups of nickels and pennies. This is a skill that can always use extra practice at home. We'll be adding the dimes later.


Thankful Plateful -On Monday your child brought home information about this project. Please use the project as an opportunity to talk with your child about all the people and things to be grateful for. Here is an example. This at-home project is due Monday, Nov. 18th. 


Important Dates:

Mon. Nov. 11....No school - Prof. Development

Mon. Nov. 18....Thankful Plateful due

Wed. Nov. 27-Dec. 2.....Thanksgiving Break

Mon. Dec. 2.....No school - Prof. Development


Please help your child get a good night's sleep each night and start the day with a healthy breakfast. We've got lots of learning to do. Have a great week!

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This is what we'll be learning this week...


READING/Writing - 

  • Phonics -  Glued sound -all, Bonus letters - ff, ll, ss, zz
  • Sight Words: you, your, I, they, one, was, said
  • Comprehension Skill - Nonfiction text features
  • Writing - Narrative 


  • Counting to add and subtract
  • Part Part Total - Composing and decomposing numbers
  • Nickels and skip counting by 5's / relating to groups of tallies
  • Skip counting by 5's to 120

SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SKILLS (2nd Step) -  Bullying - Bystander Power - Bystanders are people who see or know about bullying happening to others.There are things bystanders can do to help stop bullying.


SOCIAL STUDIES- Indigenous People Lessons, Life Long Ago


SCIENCE -  Parent and offspring traits


HEALTH -  Bullying


Kara Brandt
[email protected]